There have been a number of changes to the way funding is determined this year, with the Ministry touting increases to education funding but the reality is that the increases have not kept up with costs. Making this worse is that the ministry is shifting even more of the funding this year to be provided on a per student basis. On the surface this appears reasonable but in effect it disconnects the funding from the real costs of local education such as salaries, staff, maintenance, utilities and buildings all of which go up every year.
This budget forecast takes into account a number of changes coming into effect in the next 3 years.
- New ministry funding formula
- Enrollment decline grant and teacher reductions
- Teacher salary increases (2%)
- Pension increases (1%)
- MSP + WCB increases
- Annual facilities grant reinstatement ($1.5m of prior $3m)
- All day kindergarten implementation funding ($200,000)
- Ridgeway Annex & Balmoral closure savings
This year, 2009/2010 the school districts budget was $137 million a year, with $123 million of that being staffing costs.
- In 2010/2011 the budget needs to be cut to $131 million a year.
- In 2011/2012 it will be $128.5 million a year
- In 2012/2013 it will be down to $126 million per year.