All parents are welcome to attend these meetings along with PAC Chairs and DPAC Reps.
Location: Education Services Centre, 2121 Lonsdale Ave
(unless otherwise noted).
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm
1. Budget review and approval
2. BCCPAC information and Registrar updates
3. Review of upcoming important dates
4. Guest Speaker - Petra Willemse, Bryan Hughes, and students from the Performance Learning Program (Seycove students Anatolia Floe, Nash Jacoe, Spencer McCoach, Tylo Roberts, and Teva Zanker)
"Leveraging Technology to Reach all Learners"
Presented by both a public school classroom teacher and a teacher librarian, presenters will share their pedagogy and methodology for using technology to meet the demans of the ever-shifting landscape that is education today.
By looking at examples of student projects, see how technology is being used in an inquiry and project-based learning environment to challenge all learners and create limitless learning opportunities.
Parents will leave with an understanding of how technology can be used in a meaningful way by educators to engage and empower students to take their learning to new heights.
Petra Willemse
Petra is an award-winning public high school teacher at Seycove Secondary School in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. She has taught a wide variety of subjects from grades 8 through to 12. Currently, she is the lead teacher in the Performance Learning Program (PLP), a project-based one-one iPad program. An Apple Distinguished Educator and ISTE Technology Innovation Award winner, Petra is committed to engaging students in their learning and collaborating with colleagues so that technology in the classroom is not something that is added on, but something that transforms learning.
Bryan Hughes
Bryan's teaching experience includes work in grades K-12 in the areas of inquiry and project-based learning and technology integration. He currently teaches at Seycove Secondary School in North Vancouver and is the program coordinator for the Performance Learning Program. Bryan is an Apple Distinguished Educator and Google Certified Teacher, and received the Technology Innovation Award from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). This award recognizes education leaders working to transform learning through innovation.
Recognized by the Canadian Education Association as a finalist for the Ken Spencer Award, the Performance Learning Program (PLP) is an academically challenging, technology-infused environment for learners who have demonstrated they are motivated to succeed and want to connect classroom learning to the real-world. PLP is available grade 8-10, and includes English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Using a cross-curricular inquiry focused approach and a personal iPad, students tackle real-world challenges and develop the skills necessary to become thoughtful, engaged citizens prepared for post-secondary success in the Information Age. For more information visit:
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