NVPAC often receives requests from community groups or other organizations to forward information to our parent community. Strictly commercial concerns are asked to contact school PACs directly. Sometimes the information is not necessarily related to educational matters but may be “of interest” to parents of school-aged children and youth. We have created the "Of Interest" tab to gather this information in one convenient location.  

The information under the "Of Interest" tab is posted in good faith and is intended to provide general information to the public.  NVPAC does not represent or endorse the opinion, accuracy, reliability or quality, nor guarantee the availability, of any content under the "Of Interest" tab. 

OCTOBER 6, 2015


Hello Fellow Parent!

As you know, many field trips are parent sponsored these days  We would like to take this opportunity to showcase what we do here on Grouse Mountain and answer any questions you or your parent community might have.  Some parents, especially those new to our city, are reluctant to allow their children to attend a field trip on the mountain as it is sometimes perceived as a “risky” outing.  We would like to take that misconception away and have you, or an alternate PAC Executive member, come play with us for a day!

Our  Wildlife Education Open House which takes place on Friday October 23, 2015 at Grouse Mountain Resorts.  This day coincides with a Province Wide Professional Development Day for schools in BC. The Open House session runs approximately 4 hours in length, and will  point out exciting new developments in our Wildlife Education Department, as well as a guided tour visiting our facilities, such as our First Nations Longhouse, our Refuge for Endangered Wildlife and our Alpine Cabin Curriculum Centre.  The session ends with a self-guided visit to the Eye of the Wind, our operational Wind Turbine.

Feel free to forward this message to the appropriate members of your organization.  We will provide ten complimentary Event tickets to PAC members for this exciting and informative event.  Please take a moment to look at the attached information sheet.

Pre-registration is required, contact:  Education@grousemountain.com  or 604-980-9311  ext 5599



Colleen Johnson
Manager, Education
Grouse Mountain Resorts
Wildlife Education Updates: Sign Up Here
Grouse Mountain Facebook Page
Grouse Mountain Facebook Page

June 24, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Course
June 24, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross First Aid Courses

Emergency Child Care First Aid & CPR/AED is a one-day course for parents and caregivers of children covering skills needed to recognize, prevent and respond to airway, breathing and circulation emergencies. The course covers first aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest, sudden medical emergencies, childhood illnesses, head and spine injuries, wound care and poisons. Cost: $90 (includes manual and certification). Courses: Saturday June 27Saturday, July 18; & Saturday, August 22; 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ St. Stephen’s United Church, 7025 Granville Street and 54th Avenue in Vancouver. Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or emailsusancowan@telus.netS

Red Cross goes on the road! If you have 10 or more people who want to learn either Emergency Child Care or Emergency First Aid, we'll teach the course at your facility. And if you have 14 or more youth who want to become a Babysitter, we'll teach the Babysitting course on-site. For more information or to book your group, please contact Susan Cowan at 604-988-8835 or by email at susancowan@telus.net

June 15, 2015 - Safe Online Education Society

Be prepared to meet online safety challenges in the coming school year!

SafeOnline is working on the upcoming 2015/16 school year. We're brushing up our content and updating our gaming and app research to bring you relevant, up-to-date and practical information about online safety for children and youth.

 Your Life Online: Assembly, classroom presentations and workshops
 Pro-D Day Crash Course in Online Youth Culture
 Parenting in a Digital World

We’re booking for the 2015/16 school year now!
Dates are available for the fall semester in Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, 
Vancouver Island, the Interior and Northern regions. Contact us about our regional roadtrips. We travel to your community and we are often able to offer cost-savings if we cancombine travel costs for neighbouring communities.

Please forward this message to anyone active in education and interested in making online experiences safer for children and youth.  


604.285.SAFE (7233)

book online at:



June 15, 2015 - Learn Now BC - Final Exam Support for Students

LearnNow BC is offering extended sessions for Exam Prep online tutoring. If you have a student at home looking for additional resources please see LearnNow information bulletin for additional details.

June 15, 2015 - Harvest Project Newsletter


Dear Harvest Project partner,

We're springing into summer with its welcome of warmer weather, longer days and inspiring plans for vacations. It's a wonderful time of year for many of us, but it can be easy to forget about giving to help those in need.

To celebrate the season, we ask that you make a donation AND share a photo of the father in your life - you can post a comment on our Facebook page, along with a link to an Instagram photo, if you like.

Your generous donations provide the month-to-month resources that allow us to keep on helping to restore lives on the North Shore. Thank you for your continuing support.

Click the Donate Online button below or click here to send your gift.  Thank you! 


Gary Ansell - Executive Director


Find us on social media

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
We welcome feedback on the Heartbeat - emails thankfully received.

June 15, 2015 - 10th Annual Teddy Bear Picnic

May 12, 2015 - Society for children and youth of BC newsletter
APRIL 2015

Moving Beyond the Car: Families and Transportation in Vancouver BC

As the Metro Vancouver transportation and transit plebiscite continues to dominate public discussion, a new study from the BC Centre for Policy Alternativesoffers insights into how parents of young children travel from place to place within Vancouver.

Check out our toolkits that offer evaluation tools for a child and youth friendly transportation system.

New survey shows kids with special needs being forced to leave public education

The advocacy group BC Parents of Special Needs Children – Action for Equitable Access to Education released the results of its survey today in which more than half, (51%) of the 236 respondents, said they had removed their child from public education and of those, 31% indicated they were forced out, while 18% said they chose to remove their child.

The group is calling for a meeting with Minister of Education Peter Fassbender to discuss action on the 11 recommendations made in their report.

You see kids playing alone in a park, no parents in sight. What should you do?

Parenting culture pushes and pulls us from two directions. Helicopter parenting has made us hyper-aware of danger, so much so that it’s rare to see children walking by themselves or playing alone in the park.

But we also want to teach our kids independence and resilience. When we see kids roaming free, we don’t know how to respond. We can be so worried about children’s safety that it can be difficult to remain bystanders when we think kids are in danger. Problem is, some of us are inclined to see danger everywhere.

If you saw kids playing alone, what would you do?

Spring into Action for Child Care: A Canada-wide week of action

Please join the $10aDay.ca campaign for the upcoming Week of Action from May 10 to 17, 2015 – the important first phase of the VOTE CHILD CARE 2015 campaign!

The next step is to partner with organizations across the country in support of Vote Child Care 2015. The overall goal of this campaign is to take action to ensure the next federal government delivers universal, quality child care that is affordable for all families in Canada. In BC, that’s the $10aDay Plan.

Together, we can make child care visible in our communities by participating in events—large and small—like stroller brigades, picnics, information booths or town hall meetings.

Access to Justice for Children Conference

The Canadian legal profession is engaged in critically important discussions about access to justice. Ensuring access to justice for children must be a key component of those discussions. Children in Canada have broad legal entitlements under domestic and international law, including significant participatory rights, which have the potential to shape their everyday lives in positive ways and to protect them when they become involved in court.

Who should attend: Lawyers in all practice areas, judges, family justice counsellors, mediators, arbitrators, parenting coordinators, anyone involved in access to justice, and psychologists/psychiatrists.

You will learn about:
  • the nature of and scope of domestic and international legal rights of children, both generally and with respect to children’s broad participatory rights
  • the lived reality of and complexity of children’s lives (including information about the essentials of child development), and how children’s lived realities are linked to legal analysis
  • the nature of the access to justice barriers children face in all areas of law, including a consideration of the unique circumstances of Indigenous children

The Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) is taking their show on the road

The Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) Researchers and Staff will soon be headed to a city near you to share our research related to the Early Development Instrument (EDI), the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) and Social Emotional Learning. Together we will explore how best to use research to create positive social change in your community. Events in Prince George, Prince Rupert, and Kelowna are being planned in partnership with Success By 6.

Children at the Heart of the Matter: Call for Presentations

The Call for Presentations for the Children the Heart of the Matter Conference 2016 is now open. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please download the document for details. The deadline for submissions is May 22, 2015.

If you have any questions please respond tochom@options.ca.

BCACCS Stakeholder Survey

BC Aboriginal Child Care Society (BCACCS), as a Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Early Childhood Development and Care, is asking for your support and guidance. In particular, we are asking for your participation in our 2015 BCACCS Stakeholder Survey (see link below).

It should take about 10 minutes to complete; they will keep the survey open for responses until 4 pm on April 30, 2015 so take a moment to fill it in now!

May 12, 2015 - Harvest Project Newsletter


Dear Harvest Project partner,

April brings Spring growth across the North Shore. And, it's bringing amazing changes in the lives of many families to whom we're 'extending a hand up' on your behalf. I've recently met some local heroes - people who are responding to that help and regaining their footing in our neighbourhoods.

Please join your hands with ours by making a gift this week. We're reaching out, only with the help of households, businesses and community groups. We receive less than 5% of our funding from governments.

All funds raised go to our Client Care, Grocery, Clothing and Emergency Needs programs that provide critical help to individuals and families working to reconnect to healthier, productive lives in your community.

So far, we're about half-way to our online campaign goal of $5,000. Click the Donate Online button below or click here to send your gift.  Thank you! 


Gary Ansell - Executive Director

Find us on social media

F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
We welcome feedback on the Heartbeat - emails thankfully received.
May 12, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross First Aid Courses
Babysitting in a Day is an interactive and fun course that teaches youth aged 11 to 15 years the business of babysitting. Learn the responsibilities of a babysitter, how to get along and care for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children, and how to handle emergencies and provide basic first aid. Cost: $55 (includes the Canadian Red Cross Babysitter’s Manual, Babysitter Wallet Card & Babysitter Wall Certificate). Courses:Saturday, May 30; Friday, July 10; Tuesday, July 14Friday, July 24Saturday, August 1Monday, August 24; & Friday, August 28; 8:30 am – 4:30 pm @ St. Andrew’s United Church, 1044 St. George’s Avenue and 10thStreet in North Vancouver. Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or email susancowan@telus.net

Emergency Child Care First Aid & CPR/AED is a one-day course for parents and caregivers of children covering skills needed to recognize, prevent and respond to airway, breathing and circulation emergencies. The course covers first aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest, sudden medical emergencies, childhood illnesses, head and spine injuries, wound care and poisons. Cost: $90 (includes manual and certification). Courses: Saturday, May 23Saturday June 27, Saturday, July 25; & Saturday, August 229:00 am – 5:00 pm @ St. Stephen’sUnited Church, 7025 Granville Street and 54th Avenue in Vancouver. Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or email susancowan@telus.net

Red Cross goes on the road! If you have 10 or more people who want to learn either Emergency Child Care or Emergency First Aid, we'll teach the course at your facility. And if you have 14 or more youth who want to become a Babysitter, we'll teach the Babysitting course on-site. For more information or to book your group, please contact Susan Cowan at 604-988-8835 or by email at susancowan@telus.net

May 12, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross Babysitting Courses

April 14, 2015 - Youth Hiking Program
April 8, 2015 - Harvest Project Newsletter


April 8, 2015 - Movie Licences


April 4, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross First Aid Courses

Babysitting in a Day is an interactive and fun course that teaches youth aged 11 to 15 years the business of babysitting. Learn the responsibilities of a babysitter, how to get along and care for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children, and how to handle emergencies and provide basic first aid. Cost: $55 (includes the Canadian Red Cross Babysitter’s Manual, Babysitter Wallet Card & Babysitter Wall Certificate). Courses: Saturday, May 30; Friday, July 10; Tuesday, July 14Friday, July 24Saturday, August 1Monday, August 24; & Friday, August 28, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm @ St. Andrew’s United Church, 1044 St. George’s Avenue and 10th Street in North Vancouver.  
Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or email susancowan@telus.net

Emergency Child Care First Aid & CPR/AED is a one-day course for parents and caregivers of children covering skills needed to recognize, prevent and respond to airway, breathing and circulation emergencies. The course covers first aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest, sudden medical emergencies, childhood illnesses, head and spine injuries, wound care and poisons. Cost: $90 (includes manual and certification). North Vancouver Location: Saturday, April 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ St. Andrew’s United Church, 1044 St. George’s Avenue in North Vancouver. Vancouver Location:Saturday, May 23 and Saturday June 27, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm @ St. Stephen’s United Church, 7025 Granville Street and 54th Avenue in Vancouver. Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or emailsusancowan@telus.net

Red Cross goes on the road! If you have 10 or more people who want to learn either Emergency Child Care or Emergency First Aid, we'll teach the course at your facility. And if you have 14 or more youth who want to become a Babysitter, we'll teach the Babysitting course on-site. For more information or to book your group, please contact Susan Cowan at 604-988-8835 or by email at susancowan@telus.net

March 23, 2015 - HUB:  Learn2Ride

NVPAC has been asked to help promote theLearn2Ride bike ed course offered by HUB in North Vancouver schools. Learn2Ride is a fun, interactive course taught by trained instructors to build students’ cycling knowledge, skills, road safety and confidence. This course is designed for students in grades 3-5.

Seven - $1000 subsidies are available to cover partial costs of the program for interested schools. The full cost of this program (prior to the subsidy) is $2535 for 4 classrooms or $2725 for 6 classrooms.)  Subsidies are offered on a first come, first serve basis. 

For further information, please contact Alyshia Burak, Bike Education Coordinator, schools@bikehub.ca.

March 23, 2015 - Speak up for Health

March 23, 2015 - UBC Engineering Upcoming Events

March 23, 2015 - UBC Engineering Explorations 10 for girls

March 2, 2015 - Canadian Red Cross First Aid Courses  

Babysitting in a Day is an interactive and fun course that teaches youth aged 11 to 15 years the business of babysitting. Learn the responsibilities of a babysitter, how to get along and care for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children, and how to handle emergencies and provide basic first aid. Cost: $55 (includes the Canadian Red Cross Babysitter’s Manual, Babysitter Wallet Card and Babysitter Wall Certificate). Course date:Saturday, March 14th, 2015, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm @ St. Andrew’s United Church, 1044 St. George’s Avenue and 10th Street in North Vancouver. Information/registration: 604-988-8835 or email susancowan@telus.net

Red Cross goes on the road! If you have 10 or more people who want to learn either Emergency Child Care or Emergency First Aid, we'll teach the course at your facility. And if you have 14 or more youth who want to become a Babysitter, we'll teach the Babysitting course on-site. For more information or to book your group, please contact Susan Cowan at 604-988-8835 or by email at susancowan@telus.net

March 2, 2015 - MEND: Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do-it! 

Children 7-13yrs, who are above a healthy weight and their families.
MEND empowers children and families to become fitter and healthier together. This FREE program includes family workshops on health topics followed by fun physical activities for the kids.  While the children are busy being active, parents can share their experiences about transitioning to a healthy lifestyle. The program runs twice a week for ten weeks for two hours each session.  Post program, families receive free recreation passes to encourage sustained changes.  (Note, this program is not a diet or a weight loss program.)  Click here to watch a 5 minute video. This program is funded by Healthy Families BC and supported by BC Parks & Recreation Association and the YMCA of BC & Yukon.  North Vancouver Recreation Commission is the host agency.

Session #1: April 8 – June 14 (Wed 5:45-7:45pm & Sun 3-5pm) at John Braithwaite Community Centre,
Session #2: October – December 2015 (Days & Times TBA), Harry Jerome Recreation Centre

The YMCA of Greater Vancouver is also offering The MEND Program.  


For more information call 604-320-5826 or email mend@vanymca.org

Langara YMCA: Tuesdays 6-8pm and Saturdays 4-6pm

Robert Lee YMCA: Wednesdays 6-8pm and Saturdays 10am-12pm

February 13, 2015 - http://www.learnnowbc.ca/pacs/

BCCPAC 2014 Fall Leadership Conference

LearnNowBC broadcasted key sessions via Blackboard Collaborate on Friday November 21st from the Vancouver Island Conference Center.
See below for links to the recorded sessions.

LearnNowBC has so many free services and resources to offer students and parents and we are asking PACs for help in spreading the word. To show our appreciation, each participating PAC will have an opportunity to win. The parent recipients of your newsletter can enter to win a $100 prize (see below for details).

Entering is easy, just follow these steps:
  1. Include the LearnNowBC message in your next PAC newsletter to parents (email newsletter or print newsletter). You can download or view a Text version or PDF version of the message and copy/paste the text into your newsletter. Use either the "regular" or the "brief" version of the message.
  2. Send LearnNowBC a copy of the newsletter (can be a FAX of the printed version, or forward us an email version) along with the PAC president's contact information.
  3. When we receive a copy of the newsletter with the LearnNowBC message, we’ll enter your PAC in a draw for $400. We’ll be holding the draw on Friday, February 27th at noon, and the winning PAC will be notified the following Monday, March 2nd or as soon as possible.
    Please send newsletters by FAX (1 250 940 1150) or email (support@learnnowbc.ca) only.

Each parent that fills out our short survey will be entered into a draw for a $100 prize (a $100 gift card to FutureShop or Chapters).
To be eligible, entrants must be 19+ years old and complete the entire 10 question survey by Friday, February 27th at noon.

February 12, 2015
January 23, 2015

January 22, 2015

January 11, 2015

December 19, 2014 - BOKS

The program aims to get children moving in the morning to help ready their brains for a day of focused learning. BOKS was founded on the principal that ACTIVE KIDS = ACTIVE MINDS. Research has shown that exercise is the single most powerful tool that we have to optimize the function of our brains.  BOKS is a fully funded initiative of Reebok Canada Fitness Foundationin partnership with the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Football League Association and PROPEL.

BOKS is looking for schools, parents, teachers or community members that want to bring the program into a school in their area.  The program has been implemented for more than 3 years in the US and is active in over 1200 schools and has demonstrated proven results related to this program and students academic performance. The program is being launched in Canada during the 2014-2015 school year.

Follow this link to a one-page description of the program or visit the website at www.bokskids.org.

December 18, 2014 - Some information from the North Van RCMP:

1.  Youth Intervention Unit:

The RCMP Youth Intervention Unit is comprised of five officers who reach out to students in North Vancouver City and District schools.  To contact the officer for your child's school, please call the RCMP non-emergency line at (604) 985-1311.

2.  A great legal rights website:  Legal Rights for Youth.

3. Traffic Safety near schools:

Although parents are encouraged to walk their children to school, or to park a block or two away and walk the rest of the way, sometimes it is necessary to drive all the way to school.  Please respect the signage near your child's school with regard to parking and stopping. 

If you have a concern regarding parking or stopping infractions near your child's school, please contact the City or District Bylaw officer, as appropriate:
Another resource is the Engineering Departments that look after streets, sidewalks, signs, etc.

December 17, 2014 - Club G - A friendship group

At our November 2014 General Meeting, North Van parent Carmen Farrell presented the "Club G" video.  It tells the story of the friendship group which was organized to support her autistic son at his elementary school.  To view the video, learn more about friendship groups, or to contact Carmen, please follow this link (http://www.seedsociety.ca/index.html).

1 comment:

  1. North Van Rec Pool & Play Pass

    The website is: www.nvrc.ca/poolandplay

    Our Pool & Play pass was such a huge success over the summer, we’ve brought it back for the holiday season!
    During the winter school holidays children aged 3-18yrs can enjoy unlimited access to public swimming, skating and open gymnasium sessions for only $5!!! Accompanying parents pay the family rate – just $2.78.

    The pass goes on sale November 23rd and is valid from December 18th, 2015 to January 3, 2016.

    Does not include fitness classes, access to fitness centres or skate & helmet rentals.


Parents, you are welcome to comment on our blog, but please keep the community in mind when you do so. We will remove any objectionable material.