
May 27, 2015
April 25, 2015
February 25, 2015
January 28, 2015
November 26, 2014
October 22, 2014
Sept 22, 2014


May 28, 2014
April 23, 2014
Jan 22, 2014
Nov 25, 2013
Oct 23, 2013


Jan 11, 2013
Feb 21, 2013
March 16, 2013



1 comment:

  1. North Vancouver PAC General Meeting Minutes
    7 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2015
    Education Services Centre (ESC) 2121 Lonsdale

    7:07 pm Call meeting to order
    MOTION: To approve agenda as distributed, amended as discussed (addition of Website
    presentation and discussion following Registrar/BCCPAC report) PASSED with no opposition.
    7:10 pm Review of 2015/2016 North Van PAC Budget.
    MOTION: To approve the 2015/2016 budget as presented. Moved, seconded, PASSED with no
    7:13 pm Registrar/BCCPAC report/review. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PAC Contact INFO
    HAS BEEN SUBMITTED AND IS CORRECT. Email registrar@northvanpac.org
    Registration for BCCPAC will be paid by NVPAC if you register by NOVEMBER 1. Late
    registration or registration paid is eligible for reimbursement, email registrar@northvanpac.org if
    you have questions. Email treasurer@northvanpac.org for questions on payment
    SAVE THE DATE: BCCPAC Conference and AGM is happening April 28-May 1, 2016 in
    7:15 pm Carol Sartor (Communications) presentation and discussion on the NEW website to go
    live. Taking suggestions and ideas. WILL go LIVE soon.
    7:25 pm Petra Willemse and Bryan Hughes and students present:
    Leveraging Technology to Reach all Learners
    @bryanhughes @willewords
    Taking it Home!
    • What practical pedagogy can you take home?
    • pbl.seycove.ca links to resources and all the students blogs, interesting reading for parents,
    10 good questions to ask your child's teacher about ed in the classroom
    • How many kids get in and how do they get in? Have to apply, vigorous process including a
    video, an essay, an interview. One class of each 8, 9, 10 up to 30 students
    • District-enhanced program running out of Seycove
    • most videos were done on the iPad, using iMovie.
    • Program has been running for five years.
    • These types of presentations have been done for the teachers.
    • What is the buy in? It is scary for teachers to not be the expert. It is a hard thing to teach
    teachers that they aren't the expert at the front of the room but learn to teach kids the skills.
    Don't worry about dictating how to do it, focus on the tasks
    • NOT just tech savy kids. Not a bunch of tech experts. They get a task and they choose the
    tools. Can technology service the learning intent?
    • Technology is just one leg of the tripod. Take away security blankets - no text books (teachers
    and kids uncomfortable). Push them to be accountable. It is meant to be uncomfortable and
    force them out of their comfort zone, it stretches them.
    • skills missing in another class: they aren't often asked to do these things in school
    • Engagement drops in students as they age.

    NEXT MEETING scheduled for 7 pm Wednesday, November 25 at the Education Services


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