Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1st NVPAC General Meeting - October 21st

Our first general meeting for the 2010/2011 school year will be held Thursday evening, October 21st from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the main conference room at the LMCC building (Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre, 810-21st Street West, North Vancouver).

Our meeting agenda is below, and all DPAC Reps are highly encouraged to attend. The format for this Thursday evening is 'meet and greet', highlighted by a thirty minute open forum discussion centred around two themes; (1) advocacy and communication, and (2) effective support for parents and PACs across the District. Light refreshments will be served.

We're also pleased to have Superintendent John Lewis provide us with a personal perspective (and retrospective!) on the status of the school district - a bit of where we have been over the years, our current circumstance, and where we are now headed. This will be followed with a 15 minute presentation from Trustee Sheila Bouman, who will provide us with some insight into the Board's current undertaking to develop a long term strategic plan. We're also pleased to have Victoria Miles provide us with some insight into effective methods for positive parental advocacy, not just in her role as NVSD Communications Manager, but as a parent herself.

Your NVPAC executive will be debriefing immediately after the meeting adjourns, from 8:30-9:00, and we welcome anyone to join us in the discussion, or simply stay and enjoy refreshments and ask questions. We're looking forward to seeing everyone this Thursday!


1. Guest Speakers

John Lewis, Superintendent, NVSD - 7:00 - 7:25

Sheila Bouman, Trustee - NVPAC Liaison 7:25 - 7:40

2. NVPAC - General Meeting 7:40 - 8:00

a. Approval of Minutes

b. Approval of Agenda

c. Approval of Budget

d. Appointment of Program Facilitator

3. Open Forum - Discussion: 8:00 - 8:25

Supporting parents & PACs

Strategies for Effective Communication

4. Parent Communications 8:25 - 8:30

Victoria Miles - Communications Manager NVSD

4. Adjourn

5. Executive Meeting 8:30 – 9:00 p.m. Open Forum

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence - nominations

The deadline for nominations is November 30, 2010 (Nomination packages must be date stamped no later than November 30, 2010.) For details on how to submit your nominations, please visit http://www.pma.gc.ca.
The Prime Minister's Awards (PMA) for Teaching Excellence
These awards honour outstanding and innovative elementary and secondary school teachers in all disciplines who instill in their students a love of learning and who utilize information and communications technology (ICT) to better equip their students with the skills needed to meet the challenges of a 21st century society and economy.
Up to 15 Certificates of Excellence (national level), including a financial award of $5,000
Up to 50 Certificates of Achievement (regional level), including a financial award of $1,000
Nominators may be any person or group with direct knowledge of the nominee's contribution (e.g. parent, school principal, supervisor, fellow educator, etc.). Self-nominations or nominations received from a nominee's direct family members will not be accepted.
The Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education
These awards honour outstanding and innovative early childhood educators who excel at fostering the early development and socialization of the children in their care, and at helping build the foundation children need to meet life's challenges. Established in 2002, these awards are the only national awards that recognize the work of early childhood educators.
Up to 10 Certificates of Excellence (national level), each including a financial award of $5,000
Up to 15 Certificates of Achievement (regional level), each including a financial award of $1,000
Nominators may be any person or group with direct knowledge of the nominee's contribution (e.g. parent of child in care, supervisor, fellow educator, etc.). However self-nominations or nominations received from a nominee's direct family member will not be accepted.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"21st Century Learning" - Oct 5th, 7pm, Cleveland Elementary

Parents and students interested in "21st-century education" should attend tonights meeting

North Van School District Educations and Programs Standing Committee Meeting
October 5th, 2010
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Cleveland Elementary School
1255 Eldon Road, North Vancouver


Over the last year the BC Ministry of Education has been consistently talking about the need for BC to move to a "21st Century Learning model" but what does this mean, why is change needed, what changes can students, teachers and parents expect to see in BC schools.

The next meeting of the North Van School District Educations and Programs Committee invites the public to learn about and discuss these topics.

What is 21st Century Learning?
(a) Definitions,
(b) Small group discussion.

Why has Personalized Learning become the Vision for the 21st Century?
(a) International, Canadian, Provincial Perspectives
(b) BC Ministry of Education: A New Vision for our System
(c) District 44 – Instructional Institute Framework

Personalized Learning for the 21st Century – NVSD “Best Practices”
(a) Recognizing and Responding to the Uniqueness of Every Single Learner
(b) Teachers as Facilitators of 21st Century Learning
(c) Flexibility in Where, When and How Learning Takes Place

Personalized Learning for the 21st Century – “Next Practices”
(a) Suggested Characteristics
(b) Predictions for the Future

The following items on this topic were produced by the New Brunswick Ministry of Education, how much of it applies to the plans in BC has yet to be seen. They are quite interesting for anyone trying to understand these concepts.



The ability to think, learn, communicate, analyze and ask questions is always in demand. Kids should learn to ask good questions and recognize good answers