Saturday, November 27, 2010

New NVSD Alternative Program Update

Based on the decision last May by the board education a working group has been formed to discuss the formation of a consolidated alternative program. The working group consists of representatives from the key stakeholder groups and has been meeting bi-weekly. The group’s main task have been to collect best practices and ideas from our existing programs, the professional industry literature, ministry reports, regulations and by benchmarking several programs in other school districts. All this information will be consolidated into a report by year’s end that will make recommendations for how to proceed with the design and implementation of the new program. Mike Sexsmith is your DPAC representative and if you have suggestions or comment please contact him at

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Earth Day Canada launches award and recognition programs

Earth Day Canada recognition programsEarth Day Canada celebrates and supports environmental initiatives year-round through a suite of recognition programs and financial support, including scholarships, grants and cash awards programs.
Help the Earth Day Canada Team celebrate and recognize these contributions by directly applying or promoting the programs to your volunteers, supporters and/or community network today!
Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program awards twenty $5 000 scholarships to graduating Canadian high school and CEGEP students entering their first year of post-secondary studies. Eligible students can apply now at The application deadline is January 31st, 2011.
Earth Day Canada Community Environment Fund provides financial grants of up to $20 000 to support local not-for-profit organizations, charities and schools in the development and delivery of environmental initiatives in Ontario. Please visit for more information. The Spring Grant Period deadline is February 28th, 2011.
Hometown Heroes Award Program rewards environmental leaders (individuals and groups) who have fostered meaningful, long–term community awareness and action in their communities with a $10 000 prize. Nominate a hero today at The application deadline isFebruary 28th, 2011.

Parent Series 2010/11 - December 2

Thursday December 2nd is the date of the next session for this year's Parent Series. The title for this session is "Getting to Know Your Community Support Networks". These sessions are hosted by the North Vancouver School District, and all parents are invited to attend. Registration is not required. All sessions will be held at the Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre from 7:00 to 8:30.

CBC/Radio-Canada opens its doors to support food banks

CBC/Radio-Canada invites you & your school to join us on Friday, December 3rd as we open our doors in support of food banks in BC.

This is a great opportunity to watch live TV & Radio broadcasts, meet on-air personalities, tour our state-of-the-art CBC Broadcast Centre and help your local food bank by making a donation.

It’s a day full of great entertainment, exciting activities and heartfelt generosity.

For more information: please visit:

If you are interested in joining us, we would be more than happy to set up a tour for your students visiting our broadcasting centre. Please feel free to contact myself, Joyce Wu, at / 604.662.6602. or Leo Damian at / 604.662.6620

Joyce Wu

CBC Communications

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2nd NVPAC General Meeting - Thursday November 18th

Our 2nd NVPAC General Meeting for the 2010/2011 school year will be held this Thursday evening, November 18th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the main conference room at the LMCC building. The address is:

Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre,

810-21st Street West, North Vancouver

Our meeting agenda is below, and all DPAC Reps are strongly encouraged to attend. By popular demand, once again we've included a thirty minute open forum discussion at the bottom of our agenda, centred around two suggested themes; (1) workshops & education, and (2) future discussion topics to support PACs. Please feel free to bring your own questions, thoughts, ideas, or concerns for discussion.
Light refreshments will be served. There will also be prizes this Thursday!
If you are not able to attend, please send someone in your place! We're looking forward to seeing everyone this Thursday.

Agenda - NVPAC General Meeting

November 18, 2010

Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre - Conference Room

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

7:00 Wealthy School Revolution (an exciting new fundraising program)- 15 minutes

7:15 Acceptance of Agenda

7:15 Approval of Minutes of October 21st General Meeting

7:20 BCCPAC Fall Conference report - Lisa Cartwright & Caroline Ramsay

7:35 NVPAC Constitution & Bylaws review - Lisa Cartwright

7:40 Community Forum report - Sandra Bridgman

7:45 School Planning Councils - Mike McGraw

7:50 Environmental Learning Centre Project update - Mike McGraw

7:55 Treasurer’s report - Jane Lagden Holborne

8:00 Open Forum Discussion - Suggested themes:

1. NVPAC Workshops - Workshop requests ad suggestions to support your PAC!

2. Future Discussion Themes - What topics do you feel would be great for open forum

discussions this year?

8:25 Prize Draw!

8:30 Adjourn

Friday, November 12, 2010

NVSD Strategic Plan Priorities Survey

NVSD is conducting a survey until Nov.16th to help prioritize the high level goals and values the plan is to be built upon. These are same set of values and overarching goals and directions that were discussed at the Community Forum.

All interested parties are being asked to provide input into these priorities until Nov. 16th. To participate in the survey go to:

The next public consultation on the strategic plan, reviewing the results of this survey, will be held during the upcoming "Towards the Future for Schools" Standing Committee Meeting.

November 23, 2010, 7pm
William Lucas Centre
2132 Hamilton Avenue
North Vancouver BC

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nov. 9th Community Forum: District 10-year Strategic Plan

The North Van School District's Annual Community Forum is this coming Tuesday (Nov. 9th)

This year the forum will focus on the 10-yr Strategic Plan currently under development by the school district. Parents and district partner groups and community members are being asked to review and provide input into the plan.

This will be an important opportunity to provide input into the plan. The district is also seeking comments online and at the next Toward the Future of Schools committee meeting.

More information can be found at
Nov 9th, 2010

William Lucas Centre
2132 Hamilton Avenue
North Vancouver BC