Guest Speaker: Darryl Davis from Wealthy School Revolution and Doug & Jewel Taylor, administrators for North Vancouver area.
Moved by: Joanne McKee/Sutherland; Susan Corcoran / NVPAC - approved
MINUTES for Oct21’10
Moved David Whitehead, seconded Jane Lagden Holborne - approved
BCCPAC report – Lisa and Caroline Ramsey Report Attached.
C&B NVPAC – Jane
- C&B on website is not valid as it wasn’t registered
- 1st revision to Exec by mid-December
- 2nd draft to General Meeting Jan/Feb’2011
- 3rd draft to all PACs
- Approval at AGM in May’2011
- Register
District Community Forum Report – Sandra Bridgman
- Not much notice
- Roundtable, facilitators
- Discussed Goals first then values
- We need to watch next steps from district: Nov23rd Towards the Future for Schools standing committee
- Survey November 10-16 went out through all schools (schoolsdirect emails) – possibly poor timing over the long weekend. Statements mostly motherhood and vague
- RECURRING THEME: perhaps the District is still not getting this right with respect to communication and informing parents.
- Community/connections – does this look like corporate involvement?? Some concern about this.
- Disposal of land, etc. – this got some parents attention…what does this mean…what does this look like? Range of opinion on selling land vs hanging on to all public assets.
- Advisory Board (Mike on this) representatives of BC Hydro, Cap U, Salmon Foundation, Squamish Nation, UBC, etc. – their job is to the stewards of the revitalization of the Outdoor School (ODS)
- ELC Environmental Learning Centre has been in the works for a few years now, ready to break ground Jan15’11 - $5-6 million new ELC building as heart and soul of the new campus. $20million long term project.
- The initial idea was for the School District to cash flow the first phase and then recoup the money by fundraising….but the advisory board said this was not the way to go – that the School District needed to ante up the investment in order to attract additional fundraising.
- motions were put forward to the Board to fully fund the first $5.8 million project and a fundraisng position/function to run the campaign for the ELC/ODS project and the overall District Giving Campaign.
- Has the potential to be a long-term income source in the future once its up and running. Between $250-400k annual operating deficit at this moment, particularly because of the maintenance of old facilities currently.
- Eliminate the deficit and create a profit centre
- See Mike for more information.
- Have PACs elected SPC reps now
Mike Sexsmith:
- Every PAC to make an annual plan, to review and measure results, report back, and those school results roll up to the District level for to the Superintendent
- last year’s plans are currently being consolidated and distilled.
- Bryn Roberts is responsible for the SPC Steering and will report to the Board.
- Family of Schools meetings will be held in January to look for opportunities for continuity and common themes in each area.
- Data will be feeding an action plan to be rolled out in January.
- Collection, review, and revision of data and plans is a continuing cycle….develop, modify, and change
- Final approval of plans in May and rolled up to District and to Province
- Confirmation to parent query that BCTF has told the teachers not to participate, so principals and VP’s generally spend time to get input from the teachers, but this is not done directly through the SPC. We have a good environment in NorthVan and we do end up getting good data/feedback from teachers.
- How do parents add more value to the process when the teachers have the professional expertise and credentials; parents are the customers….we have a valuable perspective that needs to be at the table.
- Make sure language of the school plan is understandable and meaningful.
- SPC Training schedule to be determined: principal/SPC training and Family of Schools Training – around February.
- Concern at provincial level discussed: parents felt they were just rubber stamping plans…you need to ask questions to make sure this doesn’t happen….the training sessions are important
- SPC’s have been in existence since 2002…
- School plans are online (ministry) back to inception
TREASURER’s REPORT – Jane Lagden Holborne
- We have received the $5,000
- Have paid 27 BCCPAC membership to date and another one is pending
- Grants still available:
- 4 speaker @ $150
- 17 Food Safe grants
- 5 Family of Schools grants $200
- Current balances: Gaming $983.48 Operating $18,872.40
- Constitution & Bylaws
- Eg. Lynn Valley – had 2 people running for the Chair; 50 people voted 25 each! C&B had a run-off election
- Can we collect a copy of all PAC C&B’s?
- Question about member conduct/code of ethics, Code of Conduct
Eg. (family raffle at Larson with parents having learned code of conduct)
- Running Effective Meetings – possibly John Noonan? Dealing with difficult situations.
Next meeting is January 20, 2011
Door prizes: Caroline Ramsey – Canyon Heights; Maria Lavis – Carson/Balmoral; Alex Best - Upper Lynn