General Job Description - PAC Class Rep: Elementary School
The following information is a compilation of responsibilities and optional duties gathered from North Vancouver PACs. NVPAC thanks everyone who contributed to this information. Please keep in mind these are only suggestions to help inform parents and each PAC will have their own needs for this volunteer role.

- Represent parents of your class at monthly PAC meetings.
The rep is the first contact for the PAC Communication Coordinator in the contact tree and will share information presented at PAC meetings and distribute important PAC notices to parents (generally through e-mail).
Facilitate communications between the teacher and the parents of the class. (Note: it is NOT the Rep's responsibility to solve individual situations that may arise between a teacher and a parent.)
Compile email list of parents in class and implement an Emergency Phone Tree for your class. (Note many PACs now do this in consultation with their school administration.)
To support community building events with teachers, parents and students, fundraising and social events.
Ambassador to new families.
Optional/Additional Activities:
These optional activities can be delegated:
Designated contact person for the classroom teach if he or she would like help organizing drivers for a field trip, for instance, or other practical matters. Many teachers make minimal use of this service.
To arrange a social function for the parents in the class i.e. a welcome tea.
To collect money and purchase items for teacher gifts or other occasions.
Screen Emergency Preparedness Packages for accuracy and completeness.
Recruitment Process:
At the start of each school year recruit class reps by advertising through sign-up sheets at classroom, in the school newsletters, on the bulletin board and on school web site.
A simple application form can be created or a single sign-up sheet at the office.
Provide class rep with welcome/introduction email from PAC Executive outlining duties and providing general timelines from PAC (when class emails will be provided, if student/family updates are provided by executive or if the rep updates the class list, PAC meeting schedule, special events dates, etc.).
Skill Set:
Email savvy, checks emails regularly, friendly.
Time Commitment:
Varies but is an ongoing role throughout the school year.
Contributes to the school’s sense of community and provides assistance to classroom teachers.