This is the 2nd public board meeting that I'm blogging at. These are my interpretation of what was said at the meeting and approved minutes will reflect the accuracy of the meeting.
Report & recommendation of the Career Education Development Advisory Committee submitted to the board. Steve Garland, Principal Carson Graham; Marcia Garries Administrator Learning Services & Monty Bell Director of Instruction Learning Services answered questions about the report. Trustee Bouman asked what would be the outcome and different from what is already being done. Career programs to be here for the long terms...increase in the number of students participating in careers program. Trustee Back wanted to know who is going to sit on the committee and what the vision is. Chair Stratton asked about the IB Careers and how this would work. Trustee Forward made a couple of comments on communication as did Trustee Skinner. Trustee Tasi wanted to know what the plan is for the school ie what career program might be where....Trustee Buchanan asked about the early grades. Careers in North Van, sounds exciting. Report received and approved.
Review of Trustee Remuneration - Trustee Buchanan was surprised that this is on the agenda; poor timing when two partner groups are in bargaining. Trustee Forward clarified that he felt that because Policy 101 is being reviewed it was appropriate timing. Trustee Skinner feels that it is good to highlight and feels it should be looked at. Trustee Bouman wants to know the process to increase or decrease the stipend. Chair Stratton agrees wouldn't be supporting a motion on this....this is an information purpose. Trustee Skinner - review it annually. Trustee Forward made comments about the big time commitment of the Chairs role. Trustee Back feels that it is bad timing and feels that the trustees are paid appropriately for the work done.
To be looked at the in the future.
Three Year Operating Plan - Supporting the 10 Year Strategic Plan - will be posted to the website. This is a three year plan. Board will highlight priorities.
Goals & Measures -
Improve 6 year completion rate from 87% to 90%
Improve 6 year completion rate from 52% to 70 for students of aboriginal ancestry
Increase completion rate for students enrolled in alternative programs from 30% to 50%
Increase course completion rates for distributed learning students from 65% to 85%
Increase student engagement by 10% (no baseline)
Expand the number & location of district programs by 3 within 3 years
Increase NV Distributed learning course offerings by 10%
Increase the Board Authority course offerings by 10%
Increase participation in programs based at the Outdoor School
Reduce energy consumption by 13%; electrical consumption by 16%; reduce carbon emissions by 10%
Reduce photocopying expenditures
Increase the number of centres providing Early Learning Foundation programs
Develop specific joint use agreements to facilitate community use of schools on weekends
Secure 5 additional partnerships with external organizations
Establish a community based volunteer program
Secure $3 million through the Environmental Learning Centre Capital campaign
Generate an additional $1 million per year for the each of the next three years through local initiatives to enhance the operating budget....
Full report will be on the website...
Community Learning Program & North Vancouver Learning Centre Update
Reviewing student files and looking what the needs are
Curriculum needs for students
Referral process
Communication - giving information as it comes available
Support Services from the community
Where will the site be: potential three sites are: lucas centre/lmcc; balmoral; plymouth
Sounds really exciting; wondering how the parents and students are feeling about this.
Student driven - sounds great
That's it for tonight...