Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Notice of Special Resolution to repeal the current NVPAC Constitution and By-laws, and adopt a new NVPAC Constitution and By-laws

As many of you know, it has been a primary objective of your NVPAC Executive for the 2010/11 year to undertake a thorough review of our current Constitution and By-laws ("C&B"). A C&B Review sub-committee was struck for the purposes of undertaking this review, and they were tasked with authoring a revised C&B for presentation and recommendation back to NVPAC Executive. Our current C&B was adopted in 1992 - the year that NVPAC was incorporated as a Society under the Societies Act of British Columbia. After considerable work by this sub-committee, and upon careful review by your NVPAC Executive, this new C&B has been accepted by a voting majority of NVPAC Executive for adoption by special resolution at the upcoming NVPAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 7:00pm in the main boardroom of the Leo Marshall Curriculum Centre.

Section 50 of our current C&B states "No part of these by-laws shall be repealed, amended, or enlarged except by special resolution proposed in writing thirty-one (31) days in advance and passed by a three quarters (3/4) majority of the voting members."

On April 11, 2011, a letter was emailed to all member PACs providing written notice of our intent to vote on a special resolution at the May 12, 2011 Annual General Meeting, the wording of which shall be:

"Be it resolved by special resolution that the Constitution and By-laws currently in effect be repealed; and be it further resolved by special resolution that the attached Constitution and By-laws attached hereto, Schedule "A", be approved and adopted."

Copies of both the current and the proposed new Constitution and By-laws were attached to this April 11th email. If anyone would like to receive copies of the current and/or the proposed Constitution and By-laws for review prior to the May 12th meeting, please email your request to chair@northvanpac.org.

As a registered society under the Societies Act of British Columbia, our membership is comprised of the North Vancouver Parent Advisory Councils. It is therefore very important that each and every PAC ensure that an authorized, designated PAC representative attend the May 12th AGM in order for this special resolution to be voted on. Without a 75% majority, this resolution cannot pass.

A number of PAC's have asked whether proxy voting is allowed, or who they can send to the May 12th AGM in order to vote on this special resolution. PAC's may send anyone who is a member of their school PAC (this doesn't have to be a PAC executive, as long as it's a parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in their school). This person would be your PAC's "designate", so technically a proxy vote is not necessary, as long as your designate attends the AGM and votes in person. It is strongly recommended that PAC's provide this person with a written note of designation, signed by a PAC executive. Section 4a) of our current Constitution and By-laws states:

"All PAC's in school district #44 are voting members. One parent elected by each local Parent Advisory Council from every public school in the district to represent that school as a voting member of the Society and/or their designate."

If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at chair@northvanpac.org.

Thank you, and many thanks to the C&B Review Committee for all their hard work!

Mike McGraw
North Vancouver Parent Advisory Council

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award

Sabrina Shannon Award

Anaphylaxis Canada is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the second annual Sabrina Shannon Memorial Award.

The award is dedicated to the life of Sabrina Shannon, an inspirational teenager who tragically suffered a fatal anaphylactic reaction in 2003. Her parents, Mike Shannon and Sara Shannon, have kept Sabrina's spirit alive by advocating for safer school environments. Sabrina's Law, landmark legislation passed in Ontario in 2005, has continued to influence school board policies in Canada.

Two awards of $1,000 each will be granted: one for a student entering the first year of post-secondary education, the other for a student who is already enrolled in a post-secondary program.

Applications will be evaluated on a submission essay which describes the student's efforts to raise awareness about severe allergies and anaphylaxis in their schools or communities.

The application from can be downloaded from Anaphylaxis Canada's youth website http://www.whyriskit.ca. All applications must be submitted by June 22nd, 2011.

Read about our 2010 award winners Davidea Houston and Erika Ladouceur and their accomplishments in raising allergy awareness in their communities.

For more information, please contact Anaphylaxis Canada at 1-866-785-5660 or info@anaphylaxis.ca.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Important News for North Van PACS

Barry MacDonald will be presenting his Boy Smarts – Effective Strategies for Parenting Boys
Tues. May 3rd 7-9pm at Delbrook Community Recreation Centre
Tickets are $10 plus HST until April 27th.
If tickets are available after that date the price will increase to $15 plus HST
Barry will have his books for sale and signing.
More details and to purchase tickets visit www.NorthVanRec.com

BC School Fruit and Vegetable Program deadline has been extended to April 15th. Participation in this program is at no cost to schools. Students and school staff will receive a fresh fruit or vegetable snack once-a-week every other week. Click for information or visit

Provincial Satisfaction Survey Deadline extended to April 22nd - Some schools have indicated that they need a little more time in order to receive parent responses to the Satisfaction Survey. For this reason, the deadline has been extended by one week.

Are you a parent of a student in grades 4, 7, 10 or 12 and want to have your voice heard to effect change? The Provincial Satisfaction Survey gathers opinions from parents, teachers and students on aspects of the BC education system such as student safety, student achievement and the school community environment and culture. The Satisfaction Survey will be administered,giving you as a parent the opportunity to have your experience and voice counted. Survey responses help to identify areas of success, best practices and areas needing improvement in the K-12 education system.
Information from the survey is used by School Planning Councils, Boards of Education, and the Ministry of Education to set goals and determine areas for improvement in student success. All responses remain anonymous and confidential for participants at all times.
How do I participate in the survey? - Each school throughout the provincewill be provided with logon information for their parents to participate in the survey. Simply go to the website at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/ enter your logon number and complete the ten minute survey. Do not miss your chance to be heard!

Extra Money for DPACs = $625 On March 31, all DPACs in the province who received gaming funds in September 2010 received an additionaldeposit of $625 to their gaming account. Every DPAC that applies receives $2500 each year. This extra $625 is due to a government increase of gaming grants by 25% to all PACs and DPACs and the continued advocacy of parent leaders at all levels in support of PAC/DPAC funding. For PACs this equates to $5 per student, for DPACs this equals $625. This funding will be of great assistance to DPACs who support and send district delegates to the BCCPAC Spring Conference/AGM. If you did not receive this deposit please contact http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/gaming/contact/index.htm

BCCPAC 2011 Spring Conference Update - Make sure you check out the information on our website for the upcoming conference - The Parent Voice:
Connecting for the Future - Friday, April 29 and Sunday, May 1, 2011 at the Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel, Richmond, BC. Click here http://www.bccpac.bc.ca/UserFiles/File/2011springAGM/2011_Spring_Program.pd for the Conference Program or visit the Conference page for additional information. A recent email with "money saving offers" was sent out this week, as was a request for parent volunteers to help out. Don't miss out on the Early Bird Discount - the deadline is only 8 days away!

Call for teacher nominations for the Canadian Home and School Federation Dr. Samuel R. Laycock Memorial Award

Do you know a special teacher? Here is an opportunity to honour them. We are currently accepting nominations until Monday, April 25, 2011 for this award. Please provide the name and contact information for the teacher along with a written submission (250 words or less) on why this teacher is deserving of this award. Please be sure to also include your name and contact information. See background and criteria below.

Dr. Laycock is remembered as a person who lived his life for children. The Canadian Home & School Federation has chosen to honour his memory with presentation of a special award plaque at each CHSF Annual General Meeting.

The Dr. Samuel R. Laycock Memorial Award is presented to an educator who:
Loves Children and is interested in the education of all children. Relates well to children, teachers and parents, enlisting their cooperation. Has dynamic leadership qualities and inspires others to achieve; and has made a real contribution to relations between the school and the home

Submit nominations by April 25, 2011 to
events@bccpac.bc.ca or fax to