I'd like to welcome all parents and especially our PAC chairs and DPAC reps to the 2012/13 school year. We know you've all been out getting things started at your schools and if my kid's school is any indication it is certainly starting off on a positive and, as usual, busy note.
Below us a quick update on what to expect from DPAC this year. From speakers, to district initiatives and available grants we are hoping to work with you in a variety of ways to ensure North Van students have a great place to learn.
Meetings Schedule Update
At the request of the School District we are considering moving our meetings to Wednesdays but a number of PACs reported conflicts with the new day so we are working with the District to see if it is possible to stick with our traditional Thursday meetings. We will let you know ASAP how it works out. Either way our first meeting will be the 3rd week of October.
With the start of district events (1st board meeting is on the 18th) we will be getting our blog (blog.northvanpac.org) underway again to report and discuss district activities throughout the year. Hopefully you will all subscribe. We are also hoping to get active on Facebook and get the website up to speed. We are currently looking for volunteers interested in helping us with our reporting and web activities, there is much that could be done.
DPAC reps
We are asking all District PACs to nominate two DPAC reps for your schools so your reps can share the load and share the fun!
We are planning to bring in a number of speakers to make our meetings more interesting this year. We will be sending more information on these as we fill out our schedule.
Food Safe
All PACs planning to serve food at any events in the schools must have Food Safe certified people present to ensure you are maintaining proper food handling procedures. This is the time of year to look into this and ensure this doesn't become a barrier to your events. All PACs should make sure they have PAC members certified. North Van PAC offers grants ($50 per person, 2 per school) to pay for any individuals taking their food safe certification. Contact us if you would like to take advantage of these funds.
BCCPAC Memberships
North Van PAC has an arrangement with BCCPAC to pay the membership fees for all of our district PACs. To take advantage of this you need to renew your BCCPAC membership and indicate on the form that North Vancouver District PAC will pay. If you have already paid it yourselves please contact us and we will reimburse your PAC for the funds.
Other Grants
North Van PAC will once again be offering Speaker, Family of Schools and Emergency Preparedness grants this year. Please contact us if you are interested in making use of these funds.
DPAC Initiatives
We are working on a number of initiatives this year including: District Survey, PACs and IT, District Speakers look for more information on and requests for your assistance with these as the year progresses.
North Van PAC = Your DPAC
North Van PAC is looking for your ideas on how we can help in the areas of concern to your PAC and parents. Please feel free to raise any ideas or issues where you think things can be done at the district level. To aid in this discussion we asking each of the executive to meet with individual schools and are hoping we'll be able to come to you and meet with your PAC at your PAC meetings.
As I said welcome to the school year, I'm looking forward to working with you as it progresses.
Dave Whitehead
North Van PAC Chair 2012/13
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