As major investors in school IT equipment PACs should attend this meeting to understand how the School District will be working with schools and PACs to support the use of information technology in schools.
Meeting: October 18th, 7pm to 9pm at the Education Services Centre (2121 Lonsdale ave)
Main Agenda:
- Welcome from the Board - Trustee Sacré
- School District Plans for 2012/13 - Superintendent John Lewis
- Information Technology and School Plans - Monty Bell and David Jennings
- North Van Pac plans for the new year - David Whitehead
- School Liaisons
- District Committees
- BCCPAC Memberships
- Budget Update
- Available grants
- Upcoming events/speakers
We look forward to meeting with all the PAC representatives at our meeting on the 18th.
Thanks for your grateful informations, this blogs will be really help for students upcoming events.