Our upcoming NVPAC meeting, Thursday April 18, 7pm at ESC (2121 Lonsdale), would be a good meeting to attend for parents interested in contributing to North Van PAC next year to get an idea of who we are and what we do.
Only two of the current executive are able to return next year and I will be stepping down as Chair. Without new volunteers, next years NVPAC will consist of a Past-Chair (myself) and a Treasurer (Jane) and this is not enough for the organization to to fulfill our role: to support PACs, to provide parent perspective to District committees, to inform parents of District activities and opportunities or to support parent education.
Our need for additional team members is urgent. We need a new chairperson, vice-chair, secretary, program co-ordinator and committee representatives.
NVPAC are your School District representatives and we are here to support PACs but we cannot do this without your help to identify and help recruit parent volunteers.
Parents that are interested in the funding of education, education policies, available school programs, graduation requirements, parent education and other factors that determine how education is delivered to all children across the District would find NorthVanPAC a good place to get involved. There is a lot of opportunity to get involved and any help would be appreciated.
We need people to put on events, to represent parents at School District committees, to report on district activity and to communicate with parents. We have an ongoing need for parent representatives to the various committees across the school board, representatives that help ensure the parent perspective is understood when School District decisions are being made.
We are asking any parents interested in having a voice at the District level to join us. If you are interested we would be glad to talk with you, talk about the commitment we need, what interests you have and invite you to see what we do.
Please contact me at chair@northvanpac.org if your are interested or talk to any other member of our team. We're always happy to discuss what NVPAC does and how parents can help.
David Whitehead
North Van PAC Chair 2012/13
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