Monday, November 19, 2012

Parent Priorities Discussion - Results

At the request of the school board and administration, NorthVanPac conducted an online discussion of parent priorities for funding if the District were to have revenues from the sale or lease of surplus lands using the Thoughtstream system,

Our findings from our parent priorities efforts can be found here

Parent Priorities Discussion Results

We had an initial set of 40 respondents with 23 completing the final ranking. At North Van PAC we always prefer broader input as this better captures the district wide perspective.

From what I can see we've identified a number of options and it seems clear that maintaining our schools, finding a way to provide extra support for special needs and an overall greater investment in education technology are of great interest to parents. This is reflected in both the initial thoughts people provided and the choices made in the rankings.

As discussed at our general meeting, the context for the questions may not have been clear which is a learning we will try to incorporate into future efforts with the system and to gather input.

I would like thank everyone that helped with this effort and I hope those that participated found the effort interesting.

The report includes both the summary of the results and the full set of input gathered as this helps make sense of what is there.

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